Peer-reviewed publications

Laura J. Kraft, D. Adeline Yeh, Miguel I. Gómez, and Hannah J. Burrack. (2020) “Determining the effect of postharvest cold storage treatment on the survival of immature Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) in small fruits." Journal of Economic Entomology, 113(5): 2427-2435. (Paper)

D. Adeline Yeh, Francis A. Drummond, Miguel I. Gómez, Xiaoli Fan. (2020) “The Economic Impacts and Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila (Drosophila Suzukii): The Case of Wild Blueberries in Maine.” Journal of Economic Entomology, 113(3): 1262-1269. (Paper)

D. Adeline Yeh, Miguel I. Gómez, and Harry M. Kaiser. (2019) “The Signaling Impacts of the GMO labeling on Fruit and Vegetable Demand.” PLoS ONE. 14(10): e0223910. (Paper) (Media: Cornell Chronicle)

Working papers

"Sustainable Pest Management Under Uncertainty: A Dynamic Bioeconomic Analysis of Lowbush Blueberry Production." with Miguel I. Gómez and C.-Y. Cynthia Lin Lawell.

“A Sustainable Strategy to Enhance Global Food Security: Improving Plant Health with Clean Plants.” with Miguel I. Gómez, Marc Fuchs, and Kristen S. Park.

Other publications

D. Adeline Yeh, Kristen S. Park, Miguel I. Gómez and Marc Fuchs. (2019) “A Review of Economic Studies on Pathogen-Tested Plant Materials and Clean Plant Programs for Specialty Crops.” Dyson School Working Papers #19-12, Cornell University. (Paper)

Roman Mogilevskii, James Thurlow, and Adeline Yeh. (2018) “Kyrgyzstan’s Accession to the Eurasian Economic Union: Measuring Economy-Wide Impacts and Uncertainties” Institute of Public Policy and Administration, University of Central Asia, Working paper #44. (Paper)